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Exciting changes! CDM is commencing several exciting new changes, which focus on problem dogs and the owners who love them. We are evolving to provide more accessible services to owners, and a greater asset to the highly skilled behaviorists who are working hard to protect the future of dogs in human society. CDM recognizes and supports the few well qualified dog trainers out there. However, to address the sharp rise in dangerous and nuisance dogs, while subject to the onslaught of heavily “certified”, grossly unqualified dog trainers, CDM is adding services and expanding on existing services. The combination of unskilled, over “certified” dog trainers, and maladjusted dogs, is resulting in more dog attack victims and more euthanized dogs. CDM has been confronted with an increasing number of discarded, dangerous dogs and has not been without possession of hard case abandoned/rescued dogs on site for the last 9 years. CDM is implementing big changes for the purpose of absorbing more of these troubled dogs into CDM rescue/rehabilitation programs. We will retain our, on the level, practical and respectful approach to dog management, while creating more vacancies in our rescue program, taking in resident staff and creating more accessible instructional programs.
New challenge The dog training world has attracted a wave of individuals with the time and money to buy “certificates”, do some volunteer work, exhibit trendy gimmicks and start charging an unassuming public. These opportunists are relatively harmless if restricted to basic obedience, advanced obedience and teaching tricks. Because most dog behaviors pose little or no harm, if limited to common dog training, these supposed “dog behaviorists”, can actually provide a useful activity, some knowledge and some skills for owners with common issues, such as, recall, incessant barking, jumping up, destructive chewing etc. However, in the realm of sophisticated pack, dangerous, or extreme nuisance behaviors, only decades of extensive experience in these areas will provide the skills required to address such situations. Consequently, with regard to complex volatile behaviors, we have “trainers/behaviorists” inappropriately advising owners in dangerous situations and reinforcing dangerous behaviors through dysfunctional interaction, while neglecting to provide even a minimal rescue service. A small sample of harm done by unqualified trainers is as follows. Through incompetent mismanagement, a multiple “certified” trainer was injured by a dog in the trainer’s care, resulting in that dog being immediately abandoned by the trainer. The trainer continues to charge fees for advice while the dog is subject to be labeled unadoptable or vicious and in all likelihood, euthanization. In other situations, with the inability to identify danger potential, trainers are neglecting to advise owners appropriately and/or honestly, resulting in owners left with dogs which accelerate aggressive behaviors to the point of an attack. Still, in other instances, certified, unskilled trainers are advising owners to have their dogs “put down” unnecessarily.
Seeking a qualified trainer While it may be difficult for owners to identify a qualified trainer, as mentioned above, there are a few, well skilled, quality trainers out there. Some indications of a qualified trainer include, and are not limited to, a trainer who can demonstrate for you, a dog with a significant history of dangerous behavior, which, has been rehabilitated solely by the trainer. Also, quality trainers recognize the demand to shelter and place problem dogs. They solely, actively, rescue and rehabilitate dogs. A trainer who has an extensive history of involvement with dogs, beyond merely owning pet dogs, prior to involvement in the dog training field, demonstrates sincerity in the field, and an honest devotion to dogs. Some of the red flags indicating a heavily certified and titled opportunist, may include heavy emphasis on “certifications”, over reliance on environmental restraints, the inability to safely and positively control an off leash dog in the presence of significant temptations or, the inability to safely and positively manage multiple dogs in an off leash environment, etc.
We sincerely apologize As we undergo changes to our facility and programs, our dated website will be under construction to reflect those changes. CDM thanks all our clients and potential clients for their patience and support. Please forgive us for any inconvenience we may have caused you.
For general information or clarification of claims made here, please email Sandra@CDMgt.ca
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